The packet library generates and parses packets in authenticator-ciphertext-context format. The library is designed to work in tiny embedded environments without dynamic memory allocation. It handles one packet at a time in an internal buffer, and is not thread-safe.

A packet in authenticator-ciphertext-context format has a 16-byte authenticator, followed by an application-specified number of bytes of ciphertext, followed by an application-specified number of bytes of context. The library allows packets as large as packet_MAXBYTES bytes; packet_MAXBYTES is 1252.

To generate a packet:

    #include "packet.h"

    unsigned char data1[...];
    unsigned char data2[...];

    unsigned char nonce[packet_NONCEBYTES];
    unsigned char key[packet_KEYBYTES];

    unsigned char data3[...];
    unsigned char data4[...];

    unsigned char outgoing[16
      + sizeof data1 + sizeof data2
      + sizeof data3 + sizeof data4];

    packet_append(data1,sizeof data1);
    packet_append(data2,sizeof data2);
    packet_append(data3,sizeof data3);
    packet_append(data4,sizeof data4);
    packet_outgoing(outgoing,sizeof outgoing);

In this example, the contents of data1 and data2 are concatenated to form an internal plaintext. This plaintext is then encrypted and authenticated to form the ciphertext and authenticator. The contents of data3 and data4 are concatenated to form the context.

You must follow the pattern of packet_clear, then some number of packet_append, then packet_encrypt, then some number of packet_append, then packet_outgoing. You must fit within the packet_MAXBYTES limit.

To parse a packet:

    #include "packet.h"

    unsigned char data1[...];
    unsigned char data2[...];

    unsigned char nonce[packet_NONCEBYTES];
    unsigned char key[packet_KEYBYTES];

    unsigned char data3[...];
    unsigned char data4[...];

    unsigned char incoming[16
      + sizeof data1 + sizeof data2
      + sizeof data3 + sizeof data4];

    packet_incoming(incoming,sizeof incoming);
    packet_extract(data4,sizeof data4);
    packet_extract(data3,sizeof data3);
    if (packet_decrypt(nonce,key) != 0) goto discardpacket;
    packet_extract(data2,sizeof data2);
    packet_extract(data1,sizeof data1);
    if (!packet_isok()) goto discardpacket;

Parsing is like generation but in the opposite order. You must follow the pattern of packet_incoming, then some number of packet_extract, then packet_decrypt, then some number of packet_extract, then packet_isok. You must check the return values from packet_decrypt and packet_isok.

If an incoming packet is too short for packet_extract then packet_extract clears its outgoing buffer, arranges for any subsequent packet_extract to do the same, arranges for any subsequent packet_decrypt to return nonzero, and arranges for any subsequent packet_isok to return zero.

Security warnings

Keys must be kept secret.

You must not reuse a nonce to create two different ciphertexts under the same key.

packet_decrypt checks that the ciphertext has been authenticated under this nonce. It does not check the context (unless this is implicit from, e.g., the nonce being a copy of the context).