A connection sends data as a series of packets. The pacing library answers the question “When should I transmit this packet?” The library is specifically designed to be usable inside protocols that provide reliable connections on top of UDP.

Data structures

The pacing library does not dynamically allocate memory. You are responsible for setting aside storage for the structures described here.

You need a struct pacing_connection to track the global state of the connection (e.g., an estimate of the round-trip time). To initialize a struct pacing_connection:

    #include "pacing.h"

    struct pacing_connection c;


You also need many struct pacing_packet. “Many” means the number of packets that you’re willing to prepare and send without having received acknowledgments yet. Each struct pacing_packet tracks the state of one packet (e.g., when the packet was last transmitted). You can deallocate this structure once the packet has been acknowledged as being successfully received. Currently struct pacing_packet is 64 bytes. To initialize a struct pacing_packet:

    #include "pacing.h"

    struct pacing_packet p;
    long long len;


Here len is an estimate for the number of bytes that the packet will occupy on the network.

Recording packet transmissions and acknowledgments

Call pacing_transmitted whenever you send a packet through a connection:

    #include "pacing.h"

    struct pacing_connection c;
    struct pacing_packet p;


Call pacing_acknowledged when you learn that the packet has been received successfully:

    #include "pacing.h"

    struct pacing_connection c;
    struct pacing_packet p;


If you don’t learn that a packet is received successfully, you will end up re-sending it later for reliability, perhaps several times. Make sure to call pacing_transmitted for each transmission.

Internally, one of the goals of pacing_acknowledged is to figure out the connection’s round-trip time. For packets that are retransmitted, it is generally not clear which transmission is being acknowledged. The pacing library automatically uses “Karn’s algorithm”, meaning that it skips retransmitted packets in calculating round-trip times.

In some protocols, multiple transmissions of a packet are distinguished on the network (with, e.g., a counter or sending timestamp), and this distinction is reflected in acknowledgments, removing the ambiguity handled by Karn’s algorithm. Currently the pacing library does not provide a way to receive this information from the protocol.

Recording timestamps

Before calling pacing_transmitted or pacing_acknowledged, call pacing_now_update to record the current time:

    #include "pacing.h"

    struct pacing_connection c;


You could call pacing_now_update before every call to pacing_transmitted or pacing_acknowledged, but this is not required and is generally not desirable. Normally the pacing library is called from an event loop that

You should call pacing_now_update after the waiting step.

Deciding when a packet is ready to send

For efficiency, one wants to send packets as quickly as possible. However, if the connection is congested, meaning that packets have piled up in an intermediate buffer, then it is better to wait until the connection is decongested. Furthermore, if a particular packet has already been sent then one should wait until its retransmittion timeout before sending that packet again.

To see whether the connection is sufficiently decongested to send a packet:

    #include "pacing.h"

    const struct pacing_connection c;
    long long len;
    double when;

    when = pacing_whendecongested(&c,len);

Here len is an estimate for the number of bytes that the next packet will occupy on the network. The timing does not depend much on this number, so don’t worry about getting the estimate exactly right.

If when<=0 then the connection is sufficiently decongested to send a packet now. If when>0 then you should wait when seconds and check pacing_whendecongested again. If you are using a scheduling mechanism with low precision then you may wish to set a cutoff slightly different from 0: e.g., if you are using a poll event loop then you should treat when<0.001 as sufficiently decongested.

The time measured by when is after the most recent call to pacing_now_update.

To see whether a particular packet is ready to send, either because it has not been sent before or because it has reached its retransmission timeout:

    const struct pacing_connection c;
    const struct pacing_packet p;
    double when;

    when = pacing_whenrto(&c,&p);

The pacing_whenrto calculation does not include the pacing_whendecongested calculation: you should not send a packet unless both calculations indicate when<=0.


struct pacing_packet and struct pacing_connection are defined in pacing.h as arrays of doubles, currently sizes 8 and 128 respectively. The pacing library reinterprets these internally as meaningful structures, namely struct packet and struct connection. Changes to these structures do not require recompilation of callers as long as the new structures continue to fit into 64 and 1024 bytes respectively.

Another common way to support changes in library data structures is for callers to ask the library for a pointer to a newly allocated structure. A more space-efficient approach is for the library to simply provide a constant integer specifying the number of bytes in the structure; the caller can then allocate an array of structures. However, the pacing library is designed to be usable in programs that perform no dynamic memory allocation; static allocation also simplifies the calling code.

Currently pacing uses CLOCK_MONOTONIC, which typically counts seconds since boot, not counting time that a laptop is suspended.

Currently pacing converts CLOCK_MONOTONIC timestamps to double for internal calculations. If a system stays up for hundreds of years then the gap between adjacent timestamps will grow to the scale of a microsecond. More precise timing than this could be desirable to spread out packets on an extremely fast network. The API is designed so that pacing can switch to more precise internal timestamps without any recompilation of callers.

Currently pacing implements some standard TCP ideas including part of the BBR v1 congestion-control algorithm:

However, this has not been audited and could have serious bugs. Furthermore, some standard ideas and some BBR ideas are not fully implemented: e.g., negative acknowledgments don’t trigger retransmit until RTO. Furthermore, BBR doesn’t make any serious effort to estimate the number of competing flows on the same bottleneck link.